Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning British monarch, is the subject of an upcoming American-British television drama series, The Crown, set to premiere on Netflix November 4. The first season looks at Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II during the early years of their marriage, but we’re just as attuned to the rest of her extraordinary life story. In honor of the occasion, here are five things you may not have known about her royal majesty.
1. When Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten, the former Prince of Greece and Denmark, in 1947, she paid for her wedding dress with clothing ration coupons. Given that the wedding took place during postwar recovery, the nuptials were more understated than the extravagant royal weddings affairs we now know today. Elizabeth saved up to purchase the material for her bridal gown, an ivory satin creation designed by Norman Hartnell and encrusted with more than 10,000 pearls, but not enough to cover all of it. Engaged girls from around the country donated their rations in order to make the moment happen.
2. Queen Elizabeth is said to use the precise position of her purse to signal cryptic messages to staff. For example, placing it on the table is an indicator that she is ready to leave and would like to exit the event within the next five minutes.
3. Queen Elizabeth understands the importance of a beauty touchup, particularly when it comes to lipstick.
4. Queen Elizabeth learned to drive in 1945 when she joined the women’s branch of the British Army and served as a mechanic and ambulance driver towards the close of the Second World War.
5. Queen Elizabeth is a famously modern monarch, and in 1976 she became the first British royal to send an email, during a demonstration at an army research center in England. In addition to maintaining her own YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter handle, the Queen is said to send text messages to her grandchildren on the regular.
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