David Brown- says as the German economic spring appears to be winding down, and with Europe expected to have a hard landing, China should be looking less to exports.
With a market of 740 million consumers, Europe is an important destination for Chinese exports. A downturn in European demand for China’s goods could be bad timing for Beijing in the midst of its deepening trade war with America. The prospect of slower world trade, weaker global economic activity and the shadow descending over international equity markets compound the problem. Beijing needs a bold reflation plan to help soften the external blow while boosting the domestic economy. No time like the present to get those policy changes into gear.
My blog gives all data, facts and statistics about global real politic economic system, factors of production, poverty and inequality. Also I give information about popular hedonic life of human-beings. I believe that economy science must become a holistic social science that includes all multi dimensions of human (body, mind, soul) and to give inspiration (motivation) to become perfect "homo-economicus" generations for the 21th century.
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exports etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
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