My blog gives all data, facts and statistics about global real politic economic system, factors of production, poverty and inequality. Also I give information about popular hedonic life of human-beings. I believe that economy science must become a holistic social science that includes all multi dimensions of human (body, mind, soul) and to give inspiration (motivation) to become perfect "homo-economicus" generations for the 21th century.
social etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
social etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Can Social Enterprise Power Africa?
Two out of every three people in sub-Saharan Africa don’t have access to reliable power. Infrastructure costs put a traditional power grid out of reach for remote communities, but cheap solar home systems can transform people’s lives. Nate Heller ’09 explains the innovations that allow his social impact company to bring solar power to West Africa.
Germany's Social Democrats overtake Merkel's conservatives in poll
Germany's Social Democrats have overtaken Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives in an opinion poll by Infratest dimap for the first time since October 2006, with seven months to go before a federal election.
The Big Winners and Losers in America’s Social Security System
Low earners often get more from Social Security benefits than they pay in, while high earners get less. One-income couples also fare better
What will you receive in Social Security benefits compared with the taxes you pay in?
The short answer: Low earners often get more than they put in, while high earners get less. By one estimate, the turning point is currently around $65,000 for a single worker and double that for couples earning similar pay.
This question has come up since the Social Security Administration last week announced a payroll-tax increase affecting...
Kayıtlar (Atom)
Why the heck is there still an automotive chip shortage?
A side from the raw, human toll, COVID-19 has dramatically changed how we live, from travel and education to the way people work. This ...
A lakefront property in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, owned for more than two decades by the notorious businessman, pilot and director Howard Hughes,...